Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 11 - Assignment 2 : Thematic Project

Essay or Report

And then, we had to made an essay of minimum 800 words about the topic that we have chosen - THE CONTENT OF TELEVISION.


What is the meaning of creative multimedia? First of all, we need to separate those words of each and find out what is exactly the meaning of each. The word of ‘creative’ is a mental process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts while multimedia is a combination of several media types in a single digital object or collection, for example, images, audio and video. Therefore, the combination of creative multimedia will gives the new idea with maximum of creativity which will be applied into the multimedia in order to produce the high quality of media to the audience. There is a lot of multimedia that we will be used nowadays and we cannot lack each of it. However, the final decision of multimedia that we have already chosen is media television. Television is one of the popular examples of media and it is also a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images. Therefore, it has already become a part that we cannot lack without it for many years ago.

The history of television technology can be divided along two lines: those developments that depended upon both mechanical and electronic principles, and those which are purely electronic. It is invented on the early 1900’s and it is still usable until today. Television was not invented by a single inventor, instead many people working together and alone over the years, contributed to the evolution of television. Early 1900's, the origin of television is called telecommunication television. Televisions were not totally electric back in the day. They were semi-mechanical, had huge bodies, but the screens were tiny. After that, it is developed into an electronic television which the system was further improved by elimination of a motor generator, so that television system had no mechanical moving parts but was experimenting with the cathode ray tube to create and show images. Following by the broadcast television, it is the first regularly scheduled television service in the United States began on July 2, 1928. The Federal Radio Commission authorized C.F. Jenkins to broadcast from experimental station W3XK in a suburb of Washington, D.C. After this, John Logie Baird demonstrated the world's first color transmission on July 3, 1928, using scanning discs at the transmitting and receiving ends with three spirals of apertures, each spiral with filters of a different primary color; and three light sources at the receiving end, with a commutator to alternate their illumination. On 1960-1980, color TV's became more and more popular. There is more countries started broadcasting, and home video recorders were also created. During the time 1980-2000, projector TV's started appearing as consumer demanded bigger screens and the full theatre experience. In 1997, Pioneer introduced the first Plasma TV to the market. Plasma technology was around for quite a while, but only in this year was it actually sold to the public. On modern day 2000’s onward, Plasma TV's, then LCD screens, then HDTV's and so on, are keep appearing and introducing to public continuously. Those new products of TV make our home look more stylish and modern.

Television is one of the most influence media that affect the thinking of someone. Why we are said so? This is because it is a medium to convey information in any industry, such as education, business, entertainment, and many more. Besides, it allows us to convey our message with sight, sound, and motion, which can give our business, product, or service instant credibility. It also reaches a much larger audience than local newspapers and radio stations, and it does so during a short period of time. It gives us an opportunity to be creative and attach a personality to our business, which can be particularly effective for small businesses that rely on repeat customers. Peoples used television to publish advertisement, drama, movie or documentaries. Many multimedia elements can be found or can be found through television programs such as advertisement, drama, movie trailers and so and so. It also plays a role in educating and transmitting knowledge and information to audience. The children of today do not need to learn to read as early or to develop an imagination. All their fairy tales, bed time stories and cartoons are shown in living color on TV.

However, the advertisement in the television is considered as highly intrusiveness since every programs that is playing will be stopped a while in order to spread or deliver the message to audience. For example, the advertisements such as those promoting alcohol and cigarettes have resulted in a large number of youngsters indulging in their consumption. This will influence youngsters to join the activities of smoking and alcohol abuse easily. Apart from that, the violence depicted on television has a desensitization effect on the children as well as the biggest ill which is the increasing of obesity among people as the result of television. Television may also affect relationships between families since it may not allow family members to spend quality time with each other. It may also stop people from following other good habits like reading books and socializing. Lastly, Commercials on television are directed towards marketing toys and other items for the kids and these are responsible to a certain extent to the wrong habits and wrong choices that children tend to make.

As a conclusion, in our history, television is a good telecommunication medium or creative multimedia ever had in our life. Without this broadcasting tool, it is very hard to get the latest news in a short time. Thus, television does play an important role of media that highly affect this society and it has its own advantage and disadvantages. As this media become a fully reliable media in conveying messages to society, people used to having it all the time and it cannot be lacked of because it is already become a part of creative multimedia to the society nowadays. Furthermore, we are encouraged to explore more and develop some incredible function of television so we can have a wonderful creative multimedia that delivered the messages to us in this upcoming society. It is undeniable that people cannot live without this useful television which is so affective and informative media to our society.

Prepared by Lim Lee Kim
Heng Yi Jia

Friday, August 20, 2010

Week 10 - Assignment 2 : Thematic Project

Thematic Project - Creative Multimedia

The objective of this project is to create a work that carries a theme set by each individual group and to maximizing the structured process of creativity to produce new ideas or finding new uses for old ideas as well as all ideas must carry innovative value and not just about technological advancement but also about making changes and improvements to the way things are done.

We have 4 members in a group.
-Ang Wei Jun (1091100893)(LEADER)
-Lim Lee Kim (1091102543)
-Chow Jen How (1091103152)
-Heng Yi Jia (1091100897)

Our final decision for choosing the theme as our main topic of creative multimedia is TELEVISION. Television is considered as an important media and also the creative multimedia in the society that it is cannot be lacked of. And we will show you how we will gonna maximize our creativity to produce a creative artwork about the television.

The artwork that we will produce is a creative poster and a flash video which is more interesting to deliver our idea and creativity based on the topic we chose to you all.

Please check it out!

Before start our project, we are needed to collect all the information about the creative multimedia before choosing a topic to focus. After collecting the information, we start to do the logical mind map about CREATIVE MULTIMEDIA. Here are the LOGICAL MIND MAP we have done.

Logical Mind Map - Creative Multimedia
Prepared by Chow Jen How

The following step is we have to choose a topic to focus on from the logical mind map that we have done. Finally, we agreed to choose TELEVISION as our main topic that we are going to focus and start to generate the second mind map.

Here is the 2nd mind map that we have done where the information is focus on the TELEVISION.

This is the 1st focus mind map and our content is not enough after consulting with lecturer.
Prepared by Ang Wei Jun

After consulting, we decided to do another focus mind map.

Here are the 2nd focus mind map which is more details and looks neatly. And our focus topic is THE CONTENT OF TELEVISION.
Prepared by Ang Wei Jun

Friday, August 6, 2010

Exploration on Analogy Metaphor

Random association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new idea through a fixed formula. It is also a spontaneous, logically unconstrained and undirected association of ideas, emotions, and feelings.


What is Analogy??

An analogy is a comparison between two different things so you can point out something about how they are similar. The comparison often is done point by point.

Here are some more specific example of analogy:

1. glove is to hand as monitor is to computer
2. surfs are to a king as earth is to the sun
3. furs were to North American aboriginals as credit is to a shopper


My Reflection

On this week, En. Razibedu gave the lecture about the exploration on analogy metaphor. He taught us how to solve a problem by using different of solution. All those solution must be very creative and special based on the random words or objects that are given by lecturer.It is quite fun to having the lesson of this. At the end of the class, i would be able to differentiate the meaning and application of analogy and metaphor. Here are the exercise which is given by the lecturer that i have done during the class.

Scary Image of Cat

This week i would like to share a quote which is related to Creativity. Here is the quote i choose from the internet.
“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.”

Edward de Bono
