Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 14 - Assignment 2 : Thematic Project

This week, our group leader try to collect all our ideas from group members' sketches and start to do the sketches for the final poster. At the same time, the storyboard and the content for doing the flash is prepared too.

Here are the sketches before proceed to the final artwork which is the poster and the flash video.

Prepared by Ang Wei Jun

Sketch 1,2

Sketch 3 - This is our final improvement after agreed by all the group members.

This is the Pre-final of our poster after changing for a few times.

This is our Final Artwork (Poster) based on the concept of

Our title on this poster is " MULTIMEDIA, MULTICHANNEL ".

This poster is created by using Adobe Photoshop.
Prepared by Ang Wei Jun (Leader)

Apart from that, we also do a flash video as a backup to present our message, creativity, ideas and our topic-content of the television to you all.

*we are not sure whether the poster can be used as the final artwork or not, so we are rushing at the last minutes to produce another flash video, hope you will accept it.*

Here is the storyboard about the Flash video.

Here is the Flash Video that we have done which is based on the concept of " THE CONTENT OF TELEVISION ". The duration of this flash video is 43 second.

Prepared by Ang Wei Jun

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 12 & 13 - Assignment 2 : Thematic Project

Concept, Design Concept and Design Statement - THE CONTENT OF TELEVISION

Before we start out concept, design concept and design statement, we have to do a random word or image association.

Here is the random word based on the concept of " The Content of Television".
Prepared by Lim Lee Kim

The next task is to choose a word from the random word and our random word that we chose is MEDIA. After that, we are needed to write out 4 point for the random word we chose.

Next, we have to further associate our point and describe our statement as well based on the concept we chose.

* our group leader ask us to do the same task which is the random word by individual in order to sketch out different kind of idea before proceed and develop into final artwork. Each member is asked to sketch out at least 8 pages of the sketches before combining all the idea together while the leader will do the final artwork.*

Here are the sketches which is done by each of the members.

Prepared by Chow Jen How

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

Sketch 4

Sketch 5

Sketch 6

Sketch 7

Sketch 8

Sketch 9

Sketch 10

Sketch 11

Sketch 12

Sketch 13

Prepared by Lim Lee Kim

Random Word and Image Association - Page 1

Random Word and Image Association - Page 2

After done the random word and image association, I start to do the sketches with the combination of 4 point which is the ideas together.

Here are the sketches.

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

Sketch 4

Sketch 5

Sketch 6

Sketch 7

Sketch 8

Prepared by Heng Yi Jia

Random Word and Image Association - Page 1

Random Word and Image Association - Page 2

The following are the sketches according to the point from the random word.

Entertainment - Sketch 1,2,3

Education - Sketch 1,2,3

Sport - Sketch 1,2,3

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

Sketch 4

Sketch 5

That's all our sketches that will be proceed and develop into the final artwork later on by the LEADER.