Sunday, June 20, 2010

Defining Creativity

" Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. The process involves original thinking and then producing. "
CREATIVITY is the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things. Besides, it is also the ability to think something new, develop or innovate something from original and solve problem in new way.

CURIOSITY is needed for creativity before creating a new thing. We should always ask a lot of question based on the works or products which is the problem we may face later on. So, we can reduce the problem as much as possible after done our works.

Everyone assume that only special talented people are creative. No! it is not. We are totally wrong. Their creativity is actually come from the hard work they paid out and they also put a lot of effort to their work in order to be creative and success. In fact, creativity can be nurtured and not just by nature.

Creativity is an ability, an attitude and a process.
Everyone should have an ability to create or invent something new and always be open-minded by accepting the changes and new as well as the critical opinion from someone else. It is also a process which is the creative people should keep maintaining the habit of work hard and improve ideas and solutions for all the time.


This creative image is taken from my best friend, Ang Wei Jun. I am using the different angle and distance to catch a perspective from front that result as the image above.

My reflection on the lesson i have learned in this week is everyone can be a very creative person but this is depend on how much you put the effort into it and work hard for the overall process. It is undeniable that there is 1% of inspiration and 99% of perspiration which is quoted by Thomas Edison. I totally agree with it. Someone who is success, normally there is a lot of hardships are encountered by themselves. Therefore, being a creative person, we should be learned and work hard for everything in order to achieve our goal in our future.

This week i would like to share a website which shows a lot of cool and creative advertisements. Here are some images that i choose from this website. Please check it out !!!

This is a huge (225 square meter) sticker in a mall with people looking like cooties from the upper floors. There were actually 3 malls in a city with such a creative advert.

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Jakarta, Indonesia
Art Directors: Aryanto Salim, Joel Clement
Copywriters: Pancaputera, Juhi Kalia
Photographer: Heret Frasthio

This advertisement is awesome and meaningful. Urban people are always thinking how good is the life of staying in the rural area while the rural people always wonder that how glory or prosperity of the city in urban area. There is always the different perspective between rural people and urban people.

Advertising Agency: DDB, Brazil
Copywriter: Otavio Schiavon
Art Director/Ilustrator: Gustavo Victorino

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